Liz Persitz

A black and white drawing of a person on a white background.

About Liz Persitz

My name is Liz Persitz and I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2012. At that time I was teaching high school science in South Carolina. When I moved back to Michigan, I decided to combine my love for teaching with my love for CrossFit. I completed my CrossFit Level 1 Certification in 2013 and along with Bruce, James and Ali (one of our original partners), opened up Five Lakes CrossFit a year later.

Within our first year I earned my CrossFit Level 2 Certification and my CrossFit Kids Certification and immediately opened up my CrossFit Kids and Teens program. I love working with all different ages; each group has their own unique dynamic.

I do CrossFit because it brings out the best in me. Through passion for the sport and its values I’ve developed a work ethic and capacity for persistence that nothing else has ever drawn out in me. It has built up my confidence and character.

My favorite thing about coaching is seeing people surprise themselves with their own ability. When athletes attempt to do something they never had the confidence to try, their faces afterward say “Did I actually just do that?!” And it’s really inspiring and rewarding.

My mission as your coach is to help you set reasonable goals and then give you the tools to achieve them. I’ll push you when your confidence is low and hold you back to keep you safe and healthy. I can’t wait to meet you and start helping you discover all of the best things about yourself.

A black and white icon of a certificate with a ribbon.

  • CrossFit Level 3
  • Massage Therapist
  • Level 1 Black Thai Certified


No matter where you are in your fitness journey, we're here to help you get on the right track. Join us for a free class today to experience how Five Lakes CrossFit can change your life!

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